What Color Car Gets Stolen The Most The Craziest Statistics

What Color Car Gets Stolen The Most: The Craziest Statistics

When it comes to car theft, there are many factors that can influence the likelihood of your vehicle being stolen. One such factor is the color of your car. Certain colors seem to be more attractive to thieves than others, and understanding these trends can help you make informed decisions when it comes to your car’s safety. In this article, we will explore the craziest statistics surrounding car theft and the colors that are most commonly stolen.

What Color Car Gets Stolen The Most The Craziest Statistics

Credit: www.carmax.com

What Color Car Gets Stolen The Most The Craziest Statistics

Credit: www.rd.com

Most Commonly Stolen Cars

Before diving into the specific colors that are targeted by thieves, it’s important to note that certain car models are more prone to theft than others. According to various studies, the most commonly stolen cars include the Honda CR-V, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai Elantra, and Honda Civic.

The Safest Colors

While there are no guarantees when it comes to car theft prevention, statistics suggest that some colors may be less appealing to thieves. Unusual colors like green, yellow, or pink are stolen less frequently compared to more standard colors like black, white, or silver. The reasoning behind this could be attributed to the higher visibility and lower demand for cars in unique colors.

White cars are also considered to be relatively safe when it comes to theft. Being a popular color choice, white cars tend to blend in with other vehicles, making them less likely to draw attention from thieves.

The Riskiest Colors

On the other hand, studies have shown that certain colors are more attractive to car thieves and are therefore considered riskier choices. Silver cars, despite being a neutral color, are stolen more often than any other color. The reason for this could be that silver cars are less likely to stand out in a crowd of vehicles, making them an easier target.

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Black cars are also known to be at a higher risk of theft. The dark color can make it difficult for witnesses to remember details about the stolen vehicle, making it harder for authorities to identify and recover it.

Resale Value and Car Colors

Another factor to consider when it comes to car colors is the impact on resale value. Generally, colors like brown and gold have been found to have lower resale values across all vehicle types. These non-flashy, conservative colors tend to blend in and don’t attract attention from buyers.

On the other hand, more vibrant and unique colors like red, yellow, and blue can sometimes have a positive impact on resale value. These colors are often associated with sporty and exciting cars, making them more desirable to certain buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Color Car Gets Stolen The Most The Craziest Statistics

What Color Cars Get Stolen The Most?

According to studies, common colors like black, white, and silver are stolen more frequently than less common colors like green, yellow, or pink. The higher visibility and lower demand for cars in unique colors could contribute to this trend. However, it is important to note that car thefts can occur regardless of the color of the vehicle.

What Is The Most Unsafe Car Color?

According to studies, less common car colors like green, yellow or pink are stolen less frequently compared to more standard colors like black, white or silver. This may be because unique colors have higher visibility and lower demand among thieves.

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Therefore, the most unsafe car color would be one that is commonly seen on the road, such as black, white, or silver.

What Are The Top 5 Most Stolen Cars?

According to studies, the top 5 most stolen cars are Honda CR-V, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai Elantra, Honda Civic, and Toyota Camry. These cars are popular targets due to their high demand and resale value in the black market. It’s important to take necessary precautions to protect your vehicle from theft.

What Is The Hardest Color Car To Sell?

Studies suggest that less common colors like green, yellow, or pink are harder to sell compared to more standard colors like black, white, or silver. These unique colors have higher visibility and lower demand, making them less attractive to potential buyers.

Brown is also considered one of the worst colors for resale value, as it blends in and doesn’t make a statement.

Q1: What Color Cars Are Stolen The Most?

A1: While popular belief suggests that flashy colors like bright yellow, strident blue, flashy green, or red are stolen the most, studies show that more standard colors like black, white, or silver are actually targeted more frequently.


While car theft can happen regardless of the color, understanding the statistics surrounding stolen cars can help you make informed decisions when choosing the color of your next vehicle. Unusual colors like green, yellow, and pink seem to be less appealing to thieves, while black, silver, and other common colors pose a higher risk of theft. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but it’s important to weigh the risks and benefits when it comes to the color of your car.

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